Thursday 26 April 2018

Final Project of University - Final images

These are the Final images for my Project, I'm quite proud of them all but I feel like I could improve on a few if I had more time and experience I drawing backgrounds, as some especially the Baku and Centaur (the whale is simple but its a desert so its hard to avoid that) are really simple 

The Colossal Dream-eater

The Moving Oasis

The Headless Huntress

The Fearless Guardian

The DnD characters used are called Hana, a half dwarf (Baku), Odi, a half giant (Whale), Otheus, an elf (Centaur) and Thamir, a human (Griffin).

Otheus was originally a half aven but I decided to make him a elf so that he didnt distract from the main creature.

Final Project of University - Concept Sketches

 I knew from the get go that  I wanted to design multiple mythical creatures, similar to a project that I did in college. Since I found that project fun I did it again but this time I designed less creatures but I put more effort into them as I took two different creatures and merged them together.

First thing I did was to look up multiple different creatures, some simple like a Vampire and some a bit crazy, like a Nuckelavee which is like a zombie centaur made up of sewn together parts.

In the end I decided to settle with a Centaur, Dullahan, Hafgufa, Leviathan, Griffin, Behemoth, Baku and a Haetae.

To make them more interesting and because 8 was too many for me to do I decided to merge them together. I merged the Centaur with a Dullahan, Hafgufa with a Leviathan, Griffin with Haetae and the Bethemoth with the Baku.

I first started with the Centaur because I have never really drawn horses before, it took a while but I managed to get the hang of drawing horses to a decent extent.

I very quickly decided to make the Centaur produce a black mist similar to the Dullahan from Durarara!!, this is to make the lack of head not look so boring and to make it look creepier.

I very quickly decided I wanted my Centaur to be female because strangely enough when looking up centaurs I rarely found female ones. I also found drawing a muscular female to fit the dutch heavy draft horse body quite fun.

I didnt really look at clothing them at first because I wanted to get the other features out the way first.

Next I started looking at the whale, I looked up multiple types of whale whilst trying to figure out what type of whale to use for my Hafgufa, I looked at a Bowhead Whale, North Atlantic right whale, Blue whale, Bryde's whale and a Humpback Whale. In the end I decided to mix them up to create my own type of whale and I think it looks good.

Here I was thinking of designing the Centaur's hair like a show horse but I later decided that I was spending too much time on the Centaurs head even though you wouldn't see it.

I also at one point wanted to design a 5th creature but I scraped the idea fairly quickly as I realised I didnt have the time.

Here I started working on the Baku, trying to figure out how to make its body, a Baku looks similar to a Tapir, so I looked to tapir's when trying to deisgn it but they looked too gentle especially considering its a Behemoth, so I decided to model its body (at least at the start) off of a Rhino.

Here I started working on the Griffin, at first I wanted to make it look like an Owl because I have a weird love for owls but after developing it for a while it ended up not being an Owl. But here I was drawing different Owls, like how I was with the whale. I looked at a Barn owl, long eared owl, tawney owl and a great grey owl.

Here I was looking at bones/skull structures for the griffin and baku. I looked at two different ways the Griffins horn could be attached.

In these notes I was thinking of what Biome to make each of the creatures from, to make it easier to design them.

Because I decided to make the Whale a sand whale with an Oasis on its back instead of an island I started looking at traits it could have (like long lashes and a second transparent eyelid to keep sand out of its eyes) as well as how it would disguise itself when it was stationary. I decided it would pull its tail up and over to look like a Rock arch.

Here I was yet again back to designing the Centaur's face as well as its weapon that was sadly enough not used in the end.

This was back before I decided to keep the centaurs head on their head, so I was thinking of ways they could hold their head.

Here I was looking at the Baku's face and I love the way it looks, he's very scary but you cant really tell when his eyes and mouth are closed.

 I wanted to figure out how the Whale would move through the sand so I drew a few pictures of him using Plasticine models to help me draw the whale from different angles

I also drew its open mouth to show its a filter feeder.

Out of all of the creatures I designed the Baku was my least favourite because I found it the hardest to design, I wanted to have the mist leaking out but I couldn't get it to look as good at I wanted.

In the end I got rid of the mist and changed it to a puffy chest and cheeks as well as bring back the scary face.

Here is the Centaurs final armor, design as well as when I was trying to give it some type of hook to hang its head from the body but I decided to scrap it because I couldn't get it to look right.

Here I was trying to figure out how the armor on the Horses but would look and I also drew ideas for the griffins feathers

I decided to use my DnD characters to show the creatures scale and to give them something to interact with.

These 4 images were the ones that after a bit of development became the design of the final images.

 Figuring out names for the creatures.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

For our first lesson back we were given a quick task of drawing a streetlamp, a barrel and a crate as well as a tank. I'm pretty happy with how they came out considering the pressure sensitivity wasn't working for some reason. 

Monday 16 May 2016

summer holiday drawings

Geralt - Witcher
Hanzo - Overwatch
I like how his face came out, Its not as detailed as Geralt's but it has more emotion.
I am generally surprised I drew this, I dont know how I did it

Friday 15 April 2016

Smoke and flames

During one of our lessons we were taught how to make fire and smoke particle effects and to my surprise how you do it is quite clever, this is how mine came out I think I went a bit OTT on the smoke considering how small the actual fire is.

The model itself was made by our tutor, I only programmed the fire/smoke.


This is the WIP of my model, as you can see it is currently just a basic female model, currently missing one leg and both arms, but so far I think it looks good, even thought I still need to work on the feet, they are a bit of a mess.

These are my hands, I'm quite proud of them considering they are my first hands, even though the thumb is a bit off, (it kind of looks broken) but I think its because I modeled it off my wonky hands.

Final model with clothing and horns, I decided to not give her hair because I thought it looked cooler, I like bald women and It would be a pain to model them with the horns in the way.

close up of the base face.