Sunday 28 February 2016


Our project this week was to create an insectoid so I looked at some insects like spiders, craneflys, stick insects etc, and then picked the ones I liked and gave mushed them with a more human figure to create an insectoid.
My fav was the spider insectoid so I decided to develop it to look more "human"
I love how this came out, I actually managed to scare my friends with it, since I know a few people who went for the whole exoskeleton armor thing I decided to do a more domestic insectoid, so I did a "fluffy" spider that makes cloth with its web, I wanted it to look gentle, so I gave it a jumping spider's face (since they are the cutest type on spider) but apparently the large eyes are creepy.

Monday 15 February 2016

Mutant Fish

In our lesson today we had to create a Mutant fish.
I love deep sea fish because of their Bio-luminescence and because they are incredibly ugly

The top one is of a small type of octopus that has mutated to have bio-luminescence and abnormally large eyes, it also has spikes/teeth on its tentacles.

Thes second one is an angler fish that has multiple eyes and extra jagged teeth .

The last one is a two headed eel.

Im not the biggest fan of heavily mutated creatures like ones that have grown limbs, I prefer the mutation to be much smaller as it doesnt seem as stupid in my opinion.


We were given a creature to shade, this is how mine turned out

The creature's chosen has a ball shaped body, so that we could practice shading on round objects

Life drawing

3 minutes sketches

Extreme lighting

Hands and Feet

3 minute sketches


Tuesday 2 February 2016

Marionette Art

These are sketches that I have done for the group project.

These were just quick sketches of us trying to figure out what the main character would look like, my groupmates said they liked the idea of her having a massive bow on her neck because it looks cute and it helps show how small she is.

Trying to figure out Maries colour scheme, I really like the one we went with I think it goes well with her design.

These images are for the selection menu (her eyes follow you when you hover over each option).
These are just quickly drawn place-markers I need to redraw them later.

This is the image for the title screen, it shows Marie and Annett face to face in a locket framed with flowers, I love how this came out and I think it looks quite pretty.
rough sketch of Maries final design.