Thursday 5 November 2015

Tentacle Monster

Out of all of them this one came out the best and I am crazy proud with the way it turned out especially with how it looks wet and slimy. Even though the tentacles are supposed to be the main point I love how there are only a few thin ones that grossly peak out of the mouth whilst supporting the eyes. I really really love this image :). 
I decided to try out both of my favorite designs on Photoshop because I couldn't decide between the two, I decided to work straight onto a scanned version of the sketches because I loved them so much and didn't want to ruin them by redrawing them
I like how the face came out on this one and how the strange muscle tentacles look but I was honesty lost on what to do with the main tentacles so I coloured them as best I could and slapped a paper texture over them to give them some...texture.
Top image is an Octopus person which is a relatively unoriginal boring design but I decided to draw one to see if I could make it interesting.
Bottom image is of a 4 headed woman, who has tentacle like necks and tentacles coming out of her back.

This is one of my favorite design because of the way the face came out as well as the way the muscly tentacles things came out.

Left image is a 4 tentacled cyclops monster with tusks and spiked suckers running up and down its tentacles.
Right image is some sort of human octopus combination, it has the overall shape of a human face but it has a beak, octopus eyes and tentacles coming out of everywhere.

This is another one of my favorites because its just so gross and crazy and I adore how it came out, It kind of looks like a Tattoo design.

This one kind of looks plant-ish to me I think its because the insides of the tentacles kinda looks like a Venus fly traps "mouth".

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