Wednesday 28 September 2016

For our first lesson back we were given a quick task of drawing a streetlamp, a barrel and a crate as well as a tank. I'm pretty happy with how they came out considering the pressure sensitivity wasn't working for some reason. 

Monday 16 May 2016

summer holiday drawings

Geralt - Witcher
Hanzo - Overwatch
I like how his face came out, Its not as detailed as Geralt's but it has more emotion.
I am generally surprised I drew this, I dont know how I did it

Friday 15 April 2016

Smoke and flames

During one of our lessons we were taught how to make fire and smoke particle effects and to my surprise how you do it is quite clever, this is how mine came out I think I went a bit OTT on the smoke considering how small the actual fire is.

The model itself was made by our tutor, I only programmed the fire/smoke.


This is the WIP of my model, as you can see it is currently just a basic female model, currently missing one leg and both arms, but so far I think it looks good, even thought I still need to work on the feet, they are a bit of a mess.

These are my hands, I'm quite proud of them considering they are my first hands, even though the thumb is a bit off, (it kind of looks broken) but I think its because I modeled it off my wonky hands.

Final model with clothing and horns, I decided to not give her hair because I thought it looked cooler, I like bald women and It would be a pain to model them with the horns in the way.

close up of the base face.

Statue final update

This is my final model in the T-pose, the right one is smoothed and the left one isn't.

The previous 3 images are the UV maps for my statue the top one is the main body, the second one is the clothing and the last one is the eyes.

Even though they are very basic I think they came out well.

My statue from other angles

This is my statue in the scene as you can see I have also added a skybox.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Marionette Final update

These images are for the attack shots, I wanted Marie to hit each creature differently to add more variation into her attacks. We didnt add this in the final as we felt it looked better without it, and considering I had no idea how the person in charge of the enemy drew them, I found it hard to replicate them. to be honest I'm not the biggest fan of them.

These are the animations of Marie's idle fighting animation and her falling animation. as well as her parasols. I like how these came out especially the white parasol I think it looks very fancy.

I had to redraw the selection faces for the menu in the new style and I really like how it looks.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Yoda colour theory

We were given these two pictures of Yoda and a colour wheel and we had to give him colour using the overlay feature on Photoshop. 
One had to have colours from opposite sides of the colour wheel and the other had to have colours that were next to each other.

This is the result, I think I made the right one waaaaaay to saturated but other than that I think they look ok, the colours are quite strange but it really shows how different colours change the character.
The green skined one looks mystical and the blue one looks playful.

Space ship

Our current project is to create a spaceship using elements of 3D and 2D.

The first thing I did was go onto google and look up spaceships and fighter planes to see if it would give me any idea and since I'm not the best at drawing vehicles I decided to muck about in maya to see if I could come up with any ideas.
This was what I ended up creating it is pretty much a mush up of a few on the planes on the mood bored and I quite like it apart from the fact that I dont think it looks sci fi enough so I decided that I would try again later after I had found more inspiration.

The next time I went to work on the spaceship was after I had watched Elysium, and watching it gave me the idea to make a VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing).

These where the ideas I drew up, only one of them ended up being a VTOL and it also turned out to be my favorite, I love the others even though the top one looks to much like a military fighter jet.
I then went to maya to try and model 2 of them, as you can see this one which is modeled on the 3rd sketch down didnt come out well and I wasnt enjoying how it looked once I started turning it into 3D, I couldn't get the front window or over all shape right.
The second one I modeled was the VTOL and I love how it came out. Its a very compact and actually tiny spaceship meant for a few people (1 or 2 maybe 3) I wanted it to be small so that it would be harder to pick up on radar and it would also be faster.

I then went onto rendering the ship and using the over lay feature on Photoshop I added colour to test to see which ones would suit it best.

The bottom two are personally my favorite, I like the blue one because it looks fairly clean and new but I like the green one for the opposite reason, its paint is worn off in parts and has scratches.

My friend then suggested that I try brighter colours like red and yellow so I did and they actually came out quite well I love how the white and red pattern came out and the yellow one withe the blue lights looks great too aside from the fact that it looks like a submarine.

Since I liked different features from different ships I decided to merge a few to see how they would come out.

I personally think that merging them was a great idea as the results were great I especially like the second red one because the stripes look good and I like the green one because the dirt, scratches and stripes work well together.

I took my favorite one and added details like wires, and interior and a planet so that the background wasn't so dark.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Life drawing

I really enjoyed this session of life drawing, I think it was because of the change of pace aka the were wearing clothes so we got the chance to draw something different.
This is one of my best ones I got the proportions quite good which made me very happy since I was using biro and Im always worried about making mistakes with it.

3-5 minute drawings

Charcoal poses

I really love how this one came out.

I adore this one even though the legs were too short (I used the magic of camera angles to make his legs look slightly longer, so it looks quite ok now), The bits I like the most are the hands and feet, I just love how they came out.

We then had to draw him in a dressing gown as it doesn't fit the body well so it was harder to get the proportions right, but I think I did a pretty good job.

I like the face on this one and I also think the hand came out quite well too.

SpeedPaint of Child on beach

In lesson we were given a really zoomed out picture of a Child in a whale suit on a beach and we were told to roughly draw the light and shade of the image. Once we had finished the rough we were given a full sized image of the picture and then had to add detail and to my surprise there were a lot of details that I really couldn't see in the zoomed out version, like the drool or the fly away hairs and birds.

I think the end result came out amazingly and I think it looks quite alike the original, some differences where the distances between the fish and the boy and the proportions of the boy.
To be honest when I loaded up the non-detail version I was very surprised at the difference, I honestly didn't realised how much it changed.