Wednesday 21 October 2015

Lava Creature

I decided to start drawing straight onto Photoshop to see if I could come up with any ideas and I ended up liking all of them and couldn't pick a favorite.

The first creature has hardened lava forming on top of its molten center giving an appearance of a cloak, it would move similar to a slug as it has no limbs.

The second one is going onto the more over sized mass of rock emerging from lava with a very distorted mouth and a compact rock body (most lava comes out of its mouth, with a few bits seeping out of the cracks every so often)

and the last one has more of a skeletal appearance with one large eye in the center of its head. ( love the hands on this one) 

and today I found out that rocks are surprisingly hard to draw when using a program you aren't used to.
I took may favorite one and edited it to add the parts I liked about the other two to it and then tried to redraw it but from the front (it was difficult, but im really happy with how it turned out)

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