Sunday 11 October 2015

Futuristic gun

I have never really drawn a gun so this is going to be interesting....

I decided that it would be better if I first got to grips on how to draw an ordinary gun before I go on to drawing a futuristic one, and I think for a first attempt this pistol came out quite well.
These are my rough sketches, I honestly have no idea how to design a gun but I think that these look good, I especially like the first one and the last one 
I silhouetted my gun ideas and the first one is defiantly my favorite because its a small gun so it doesnt look too stong but it can pack a punch, also if you run out of ammo you always have the option to just stab your opponents with the spikes.
Considering I have never drawn a proper gun before I think this came out well, even though it looks less futuristic and more supernatural aka it kind of looks like it has skin and claws, you never know maybe in the future they figure out a way to make living guns that can be grown, 
I love how the Grip came out


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