Friday 2 October 2015

Realism Research

I am going to research the realism art movement and how it developed over the years, where it originated from and how it differs from other art movements.

Realism originated from France in the 1850s where the dominant art movement was romanticism, a movement the was born from artists wanting to draw what they wanted even if it wasn't necessarily real as German painter Caspar David Friedrich said "the artist's feeling is his law". The realist painters rejected the idea of Romanticism because it wasn't 100% true to reality.

Above is a Romanticism piece (left) and a Realism piece (Right) The images are both of a landscape but the romanticism one is brighter and more wondrous whereas the Realism one sticks to realistic colours no matter how dull they may seem and doesn't over empathies the lighting to make it brighter and more appealing, but the art is true to real life and therefor doesn't give viewer a false idea of what the world is like.

Realism is a very strict art movement that makes sure it is an accurate and detailed representation of that the scene in front of them to the extent that it avoids stylization through technique and training.
However there are quite a few cases where realism hasn't stuck with reality like when artist in the 15th century would depict things with angel wings and how in the 19th century painters some realism artists would paint images with characteristics of Academic paintings which had links back to romanticism. These artist would instead create fictitious or imagined historical scenes with great care to the extent that they could fool anyone into believing they were real scenes captured in the moment.

Because of how realism varies it is closer to say that in a whole the art movement is realism but not all the artists are realists, for example the child looks like a child and is anatomically correct they just so happens to have wings growing out their back, but the wings themselves are also realistic as they look like the wings of a dove, It is realism but it is not realistic.
4 LAmour au papillon Realism angel William Adolphe Bouguereau

So realism technically has multiple branches that all do something different but in the end all have a similar appearance in that the image looks as if it could jump out of the page. One branch is Illusionistic realism which takes on a more stylized and idealized approach to art, one example of an influential model of illusionistic realism are the Ancient Greeks who created statues and paintings of their gods and hero's that no one really knew the appearance of but they attempted to represent them with idealized and beautiful forms.



-(no date) Available at: (Accessed: 2 October 2015)

-Romanticism (2015) in Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 2 October 2015)


-Romanticism (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 2 October 2015)

-History: Realism Art for Kids (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 2 October 2015)

-Paintings of 4 LAmour au papillon Realism angel William Adolphe Bouguereau Art for sale by Artists of Oil Painting (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 2 October 2015)

-(no date) Available at: (Accessed: 2 October 2015)

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