Sunday 24 January 2016

Statue design

This is the turn around for my model, I  found the whole making a costume out of images on the internet thing very hard and was only able to find stuff for the front, so I just drew the other sides.

Using a side view and back view of a head I managed to model the head, I've done this before so I found it quite easy, we just had to do one side a mirror it to make a full head. I think it turned out quite well the only thing I really had trouble with was the ears but every one did and they apparently didn't matter so I just did a basic ear I will go back to it later though.

Using the same technique as I did for the head I made a hand which can easily be mirrored to the other side. The had was also pretty easy once I got started as the palm/thumb were hard but the fingers were easy as I just had to copy and paste them across the hand, I had help with the nails from my teacher.

Steampunk concepts

Research into steampunk style, This is a style I have seen lots of but have never really drawn with this style.

I had fun drawing these 3, I wanted to to 3 completely different characters so I did. whilst researching steampunk I can across this person with an Indian steampunk  design and I loved it, it kind of makes sense considering the trade between india and England during victorian times.
The second one is my least favorite (even though I like the head and boots) I couldnt get it to look the way I wanted to I decided to move on to the last one which is most defiantly my fav design, I wanted to draw someone with more emotion, and what better than a jolly cubby lady, I just love how she looks overall and its nice because she is so different from the other two.
Finished Image~ I love how it came out

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Marionette SketchesT

These drawings are ideas for what Marie (the main protag of the game me and my group (Barely concious) are making) could look like the first four were just quick sketches but I went back and drew the largest one with more detail on her face ( I also changed the proportions so that she would look more doll-ish) It was based off this picture I found.
I really love the way she looks because like a doll he clothes are impractical and are for show only also the black heavy looking clothing with fur makes her look wealthy (btw the picture is of queen Victoria aged 4)
Dress ideas~

One of our Ideas was to have Marie wield an parasol as a weapon so I looked at lots of references of Victorian parasols and came up with these 8 ideas (as you can see the more confident I got the more extravagant the designs), my favourites are the last 3 because they the most unique also they would make good dress designs.

Monday 18 January 2016

Life Drawing

3 minute

labeling the bones

perspective drawing (we sat on the floor and looked up at the model)

3 minute

Paint over

A paint over of a vampire statue, I added colour, texture, hair and markings on the skin.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Muscle study

Using references I did a quick sketch of muscles and their names, I then went onto the computer and then redrew them.

Monday 4 January 2016

Speedpaint 2

Like the other speedpaint we did in lesson this one is drawn from a print out. 1hour40

Sunday 3 January 2016

Skeleton study

I really enjoyed this project as I find skeletons interesting to draw, and I found this project fairly easy as I have studied them before.

I actually looked at skeletal structures for the first ever project I did a uni, this is the ribcage I drew for it.

Here I have drawn a front, back and side view of a skeleton and have labeled the main bones.
and these are the types of joints that can be found in the skeleton.