Sunday 24 January 2016

Statue design

This is the turn around for my model, I  found the whole making a costume out of images on the internet thing very hard and was only able to find stuff for the front, so I just drew the other sides.

Using a side view and back view of a head I managed to model the head, I've done this before so I found it quite easy, we just had to do one side a mirror it to make a full head. I think it turned out quite well the only thing I really had trouble with was the ears but every one did and they apparently didn't matter so I just did a basic ear I will go back to it later though.

Using the same technique as I did for the head I made a hand which can easily be mirrored to the other side. The had was also pretty easy once I got started as the palm/thumb were hard but the fingers were easy as I just had to copy and paste them across the hand, I had help with the nails from my teacher.

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