Sunday 13 March 2016

Marionette Progress

I have finally gotten screenshots of our game from my teammates so I can now write up about what we have done.

This is the titlescreen of our game, of course its a WIP but this is the base of how we intend it to be layed out.

This is the first version of our game as you can see there are quite a lot of things that need improving, this was before we had really decided on an art style and before we had made some assets, the white box is "Marie" and the black/gray box is the "chest".

One of the problems I brought up was how small the characters where compared to the rest of the screen, the person in charge of coding said he made them this small so that it would look like they would be able to fit though the door, which was one of the things that led to us decided to change the background design another reason was because our teacher said it should look more like a Victorian sewer.

This is a much more recent version of the game as you can see the Rat has been redrawn in the new art style, and the background has been dramatically improved also we now actually have Marie with her walking animation and the mini-map has been implemented and coded.

Another thing is the dialogue box, currently we only have Reggies faces done (he even shows different emotion depending on what he says, which is the complete opposite of Marie who is pretty deadpan(mostly cause she cant move her face)) and the only problem with his faces is that its squished, and we dont know why.

Another thing you probably will of noticed is the door which was quickly done by the 4th member of our team we will redraw it as not only is it off but its not in the right style.

This is Marie's walking and pick up animation, her movements are very clunky because she is a doll and mosly to mask my lack of ability of animating, but I think that it actually looks quite well.

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