Monday 7 March 2016

Tree with character

Our project for this week was to create a tree with character (not one with a face though) which was actually much harder than I thought.

I found some pictures and tried drawing some, the first one is boring as hell (mostly cause it was a practice cause I cant draw trees), I then tired a luminous tree on a dark background so the tree looks magical but then I got the idea of drawing a bonsai tree that is stuck indoors.
The image below has a fixed pot, though thr quality is lower because jpeg.

The idea behind this tree is its a tree stuck inside on a rainy day which is kinda sad cause plants need water and trees normally get it from rain, and its almost like the tree is looking longingly out the window, the side of the tree close to the window is bright and colorful and the side away is dull and blue. I love how the image came out especially cause i'm normally not that great at drawing stuff like this, yes its a bit messy and not very realistic but I still think I got the emotion across quite well.

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