Tuesday 15 March 2016

Spaceships with straight lines and curves.

In lesson we had to create ships based off straight and curved lines and they had to be diggers.

The first one was a test to get the hang of drawing spaceships because I cant draw vehicles that well and I think it came out well. Also I decided to base it off of a fly as you may probably be able to tell.

The second one is of a hover craft that digs with a lazer that comes from the front, it is quite sleek and streamlined so it could quickly move around and go into smaller gaps that bulkier ships couldn't.

The last one is based off of a Starnosed mole, its "nose" comes out the front and grabs dirt and minerals and pulls it inside itself and stores the valuable stuff, uses the fuel for fuel and dumps the waste.

The designs are pretty simple but as I said I'm not used to this type of designing but considering that fact, I think it came out well and I actually quite enjoyed it.

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